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I’m starting this blog in order to share my personal journey, my spiritual beliefs, and my healing journey. Anything that I say comes from my personal experiences and what I’ve learned from them. They are my thoughts and opinions so please feel free to take what resonates and leave what does not. My intention is to help others that have had similar experiences to feel less alone and create a safe place for people to learn more about themselves and others. I feel like even though there are many resources available to us, it can be difficult at times to access those resources in order to learn how to navigate life and heal ourselves.

My hope is that this blog will help people to see that they are not alone in the way that they think and perceive their lives and the world around them. My goal is to remain raw, authentic and vulnerable with the thoughts and ideas that I share. I value authenticity in others and I believe that it helps normalize the way that we see ourselves and others outside of social media and our social circles.

When we live our lives trapped inside our own minds or through specific lenses, it’s hard to see anything outside of that. I believe that true growth comes from stepping outside of our comfort zone and the way we’ve been conditioned our entire lives to see ourselves and others. This kind of isolation is detrimental and hinders our ability to properly process what is going on around us and in our lives.

I am passionate about advocating for understanding ourselves and the effects of trauma, our coping mechanisms, and how it affects our interpersonal relationships. I’ve had many conversations in my life with people who are experiencing a very similar path to my own that have not yet learned the things that I have. When I started my healing journey, there were many things that were not socially acceptable to discuss and I had to learn a lot of things on my own. I want to give people the opportunity to have access to the type of information I had to gather to make sense of what was happening to me and why.

One of the biggest topics I like to discuss is what trauma is and how it affects how we cope in order to navigate our lives. There are coping mechanisms that help us to self soothe, and others that keep us stuck in loops, repeating patterns that hurt us over and over again. I do not necessarily believe in good or bad coping mechanisms, they were all created at some point in our lives to keep us safe. I do believe that we need to compartmentalize them at some point, when we are in a better place, so that we can grow into a more authentic version of ourselves.

Unhealthy coping mechanisms helped us and served their purpose to get us out of the initial dangerous situation, however it can become a danger to us when we continue to use those same strategies. When it becomes a dependency or an addiction, those coping mechanisms become dangerous to us. We have to recognize how it’s affecting our lives and the lives around us, send love and compassion to those once helpful strategies, then release them.

In conclusion, I would like to add that in no way am I a professional. I have spent the majority of my life keeping personal journals but that's the extent of my experience in writing. I've seen a few therapists on and off, however I am currently in therapy working on a set of goals that will improve my day to day life. In recent years I've done a good amount of psychology research to understand myself and communicate my thoughts and reality more effectively. I am nothing more than a person that wants to find new ways to help myself and others.


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